We license the use of Elast-Eon™ and ECSil™ polymers to the global medical device industry.
As two of the most biostable and non-thrombogenic of all polyurethane materials, they improve the performance and durability of medical devices, reducing the need for future interventions.
Discover Elast-Eon™ and ECSil™. Both outperform other flexible polyurethanes available for use in long-term implantable and blood contacting medical devices, giving you competitive advantage.
Arrange a consultation with one of our Elast-Eon™ and ECSil™ specialists to discover how they can improve outcomes for your patients, by using the world’s leading polyurethanes.
RUA Biomaterials is the depository of the Intellectual Property and licensing rights to Elast-Eon™ and ECSil™, the world’s leading long-term implantable co-polymers, which are now manufactured and marketed on our behalf by Biomerics LLC in Utah, USA.

RUA Life Sciences
Holding company for the group innovating medical devices and textiles using Elast-Eon™, the world’s leading long term implantable polyurethane

RUA Medical
Medical device contract manufacturer, implantable fabric developer, and Elast-Eon™ centre of excellence.

RUA Structural Heart
Commercialisation of a range of Elast-Eon™ polymeric heart valves.

RUA Vascular
Commercialisation of Elast-Eon™ sealed grafts and soft tissue patches.

RUA Biomaterials
Licensor of Elast-Eon™ polymers to the global medical device industry.